Manila still remains the city of contrasts. Somebody lives in expensive condominiums.

Somebody survives in DIY houses.

Somebody captured the moon with a net of wires (me).

Somebody’s balcony faces a construction yard.

Personal protective equipment for construction workers.

Some parts of the equipment can be looted by anybody because it hangs on the walls.

Although living conditions are different, the roads are shared by everyone.

Some pathways are closed. I wonder how people with disabilities are supposed to enter.

Some roads are shared with pedestrians (!). I wonder if they need an according licence for their shoes to use the roads.

Once upon a time my taxi driver was honking on every intersection we passed. I wonder if this sign suddenly makes sense to you.

That said, there’s a cat patrol to oversee road commotions.

The poshest Jollibee I’ve seen so far. It looks almost like a typical Apple Store to me.

This wall would probably be illegal somewhere in Germany.

“Slow down” says the sign, and that’s what I’m going to do.

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